Class of '63 Today
Pete Holt
Hats off to Kitty and Elaine for taking charge of the Reunion and the Website. Impressive job - both of you.

My wife of 46 years (Cheryl) and I have lived in Alexandria, VA for most of the time we have been together, although we were married before I graduated from U. Va. and we lived in Charlottesville for two years. Cheryl dropped of out of Madison College (now James Madison Univ.) when we got married. After moving to Alexandria she went back to school and got her Bachelors from George Washington Univ. Once she got on a roll she couldn't stop and did a Masters at Case Western and PhD work at Brandeis, Harvard and MIT in Boston. Her degrees are in Archaeology. She worked for archaeology companies until she set up a lab in our home and started her own company, Analytical Services for Archaeologists. Did that until she retired several years ago. Now she is a Historic Interpreter at Mt. Vernon Estate, a couple of miles from our home.

I, on the other hand, settled for a MBA from GW Univ.. I worked as a city planner for a while, then in OMB and finally ran the Mental Health Dept. in Montgomery County for 10 years. Then I worked for private managed care companies for about 7 years; couldn't stand it any more and became a day trader. Did that for about 5 years and then started my own company training traders in technical analysis. Retired again and now do some consulting work for "beltway bandits" as well as trade futures on line from home.

One daughter; living in the Center of the Universe (otherwise known as New York City) who is unmarried and works in the fashion industry. No grandchildren yet to my wife's continued distress.

Really looking forward to the 50th. as the reunion a few years ago was a blast.